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Learning to "Wait"

Learning to wait can be realllly hard! Especially for puppies. Mom practices this with me at least once a day. This command is very important to twain your fur baby! It's useful for evewyday life so start teaching it as soon as possible!

I can now wait 1 minute without my mom being in the room, but it definitely wasn't always like this! I still struggel with 1. staying in a sit or down while in "wait" 2. not moving when mom leaves the room.

My goal is to get to 10 minutes in the next 2 weeks!

Here are some steps to get started twaining your puppy...

  1. Start at 3-5 seconds intervals in a place with no distwactions. Always reward with praise and a treat (my favowite part)!

  2. Move a few steps back, and keep increasing distance and time.

  3. Once your puppy has a good foundation, start intwoducing distractions. (a good way to do this is to tell your puppy "wait", take a few steps back, and then, raise your arm to see it they move. if they don't, continue to raise different parts of your body and then repeat the process, but incwease distance this time.) (mom sometimes twies to dance in front of me to see if I will move, but I am smarter than that!)

There you have it! 3 small steps to learn to "wait" Even tho I have the basics down, mom still practices from a close distance evewy so often so I stay motivated. If you have any of your own tips of how you twained your puppy, let me know!!! I'll be sure to update you on Instagram if I reach my goal!



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I'm Ginger. Your'e favorite puppy paw-thor. I am always learning new things and am so excited to share them with you!

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